It’s crazy that the moment I come back at using instagram for a tiny bit, my newsletter game starts to wear off. Anyway, I’m back at screenprinting with two concepts lined up:
The first one is part of a series (two makes a series already, right?) looking at billionaires from the perspective of — guess what — someone who’s not a billionaire. After I did the print ‘Thank you Mr. Bezos’, I’ve been wanting to do more prints that included, or at least made a reference to, today’s rock stars that every kid aspires to be.
The second billionaire headlining this series is internet’s favorite: Elon Musk. I had previously made a collage already with Elon’s face in a robot’s body and the text “Quiet, please — global takeover escape plan in progress”, but the first time I tried to screenprint it it didn’t feel right. So this time I tried a composition similar to the ‘Thank you Mr. Bezos’ print and I think it’s works quite well. Who should be the next billionaire on the list?
The second idea for a print is still in a much earlier phase of conception. The elements are there, but the puzzle does not seem to fit. The main gist, until now, is to play with the expression of using “rose-colored glasses”: In a moment in time when all seems to be going to shit, there seems to still be a couple of optimism lying around. The question is if that optimism is just plain voluntary apathy or defeated conformism. Here are some initial ‘sketches’ from a scanning session: